research is centered around developing a fundamental understanding
of the physical processes underlying intense ultrafast
laser-interaction with materials, with applications ranging from
materials processing to spectroscopic analysis.
basic processes of intense ultrafast laser-material interaction can
be categorized into three stages that cover a time span of 109
s, from femtoseconds to microseconds: Electronic Excitation and
Relaxation (1 fs – 1 ps); Molecular Motion and Plasma Initiation
(100 fs – 1 ns); and Hydrodynamic Plasma Development (100 ps – 1
a significant body of research has been focused on intense ultrafast
laser-induced electronic excitation as well as hydrodynamic
expansion of a fully-developed laser plasma, there has been little
understanding of how plasma is initiated. We are developing a
comprehensive theoretical model to describe femtosecond
laser-induced plasma initiation process, and conducting experiments
to examine the characteristics of the plasma in its formation stage.
S. S. Mao, F. Quéré, S. Guizard,
X. Mao, R. E. Russo, G. Petite, and P. Martin, “Dynamics of
femtosecond laser interactions with dielectrics.” Applied Physics
A, V.79, 1695
(2004). [Invited/Review]
approaches for semiconductor material growth typically involve
fabricating one sample at a time, either in the form of a bulk
single crystal or a thin film. In contrast, a combinatorial thin
film approach that employs a suite of area-selecting masks to
delineate regions with different composition allows hundreds of
samples to be fabricated in one growth cycle. This parallel material
fabricating technique can help discover new semiconductors for
applications ranging from photovoltaic solar cells to radiation
detectors. We have established a combinatorial semiconductor thin
film growth facility, and developed high throughput semiconductor
characterization techniques for measuring the composition,
structure, optical, and transport properties of the combinatorial
thin film libraries. We are applying this unique high throughput
material screening facility to develop high performance
semiconductors for better solar cells and detectors.
S. S. Mao,
“High throughput combinatorial
screening of semiconductor materials.” Applied Physics A,
V.105, 283 (2011).
[Invited/Review] |